How to Avoid Bad Web Developers
When making a website, you will most likely require help and or support making your business’s website. You may come across many developers that give you the runaround and do not get anything done. But, in fact, ruin your website whether it’s on purpose or not.
Being able to detect when you are in a shady website developer is key to knowing what a successful website developer is. Hiring the right web designer or developer will only save you headaches. A shady website developer could even cause the developer to steal your business and ruin your business!
I will cover the ins and outs of scoping out shady website developers. You will become a website detective and save your business and website from those shady developers.
Goals of making a web page
When making a website, you want it to be easy to navigate, and you want there to be a clear purpose for the website. You also want the visuals to be appealing to the user, and if the website does not look good, most users will leave and find another website. When finding a professional web designer to help make your web page, it is important to plan your web page and consider what you want the final product to look like. It is also important to communicate what visuals and purposes you have for this web page to the website developer; otherwise, you will have a finished product that does not suit your desired product. Whether you want to inform or sell a product or service with your website, it is important to consider these when looking for the right web designer. Hiring a web developer who can produce what you want for your web page is very important. However, hiring website design services for your business that ends up ruining your vision and idea and charges you for next to nothing will result in filing in a small claims court!
The best way to see the consequences of a bad website developer is by discussing examples of bad website developers. If you see any of these in your final product, you will know that you have dealt with a bad website developer!
Consequences of Poor Websites
Navigation is essential for making a successful web page. You want your user to be able to find everything with ease, or they will find an alternative website. Your page should have a clear message and point out what you want to accomplish.
If you are trying to sell a product or service, you need to have your company name and a simple way to access the products or services your page wishes to provide.
The navigation should be intuitively placed at the top of the page. If they are unable to find any form of navigation, then they will most likely leave. An example of bad navigation is
For, navigation requires the user to scroll through the page, and that can be very frustrating if the navigation is not all in one place.
However, some examples of good navigation include,, and YouTube.
Signs of a shady website developer
The first is a lack of credentials, testimonials as well as examples. You must know the credentials of the individual or the company designing your website, and if they are refusing to show credentials, then that is a sign that they are not prepared for the job or have other ideas. A quick search on Google can help! Google the company name, reviews, as well as clients.
It would help if you also asked about the most difficult project they have undertaken or the most difficult design choice they have tackled. This will help you better know the designer’s limit and if their skills align with your project scope.
A website developer may attempt to infiltrate your web page, whether by stealing your ideas or product or by hiding shady links within the page. Of course, a standard design link in the footer is OK. Stealing an idea should be avoided by an NDA.
Do the research and get a developer who is well-equipped for the job. Usually, a cheap website developer will be too good to be true, hence paying that bit more will save you the extra work and unnecessary headache! While these are not the only signs and consequences, these are some of the most important things to consider when hiring a website developer for your business.